Dj Hix

In the days of open access, a new presenter signed up whose bio looked outstanding.

DJ Hix was a twenty something DJ who toured the world. His IP address resolved to Sydney, Australia and his bio described himself as an international DJ and MC playing at gigs and venues around the globe. He mentioned a spell broadcasting on BBC Radio 1 and supporting acts such as Rihanna, 50 cent and Akon. On paper, he certainly looked like an accomplished and experienced DJ.

A cursory search on Google and a quick perusal of his personal website corroborated all the details that had been posted on his 1Radio bio page. Photos, clips and concert listings provided yet more evidence. How amazing that a DJ of this calibre should want to join 1Radio and play a few sets for us.

Sadly, a quick email to the contact details on Hix’s website confirmed the person registering on 1Radio was an imposter.

As it happened, 1Radio’s DJHix was due on air shortly after. The real Hix and I lay in wait.

When he came on, legit Hix began questioning fake Hix in the shoutbox about his music, his touring, how he started out in the biz and…. errr…. his Australian accent. The real Hix is from Northern Ireland. Counterfeit Hix’s excuse was that he travelled so much, his voice would change from continent to continent as he absorbed the local sounds and customs. Right.

We challenged fake Hix to disclose his real identity. He wouldn’t have any of it and insisted he was the real deal. At the same time, I was talking to the genuine Hix on Skype discussing how we could blow the cover off the sham. In the end, the real Hix challenged the sham to tweet a message on his official account or simply update his website, which of course, he was unable to do. Hix then tweeted and posted a message on his own website right there and then - and invited fans to come to 1Radio to check out the new Hix on the block - to force the hand of the hoax Hix. 

Confronted with overwhelming evidence, and a bunch of listeners giving him grief in the shoutbox, Hapless Hix caved in. Ironically, or perhaps inevitably, it turned out the dummy Hix was a starstruck fan who played the imitation game one time too many. It seems he had been pulling the same stunt on other radio station sites and had, for the most part, gotten away with it. Make believe Hix was truly desperate to bask in the reflected glory of his idol. Sadly, he got to meet his hero - but not in the best of circumstances. 

The incident could have turned nasty and 1Radio come out of things looking a bit shit. Thankfully, the genuine Hix took it well and blogged about it on his own website. Some time later, he even offered us an exclusive first play of his latest mix - which cast a positive light on the station and brought us to the attention of some mix mags and other pro DJs who submitted their own wares for us to play and promote.

Posted by Tim on Fri 11 Mar 2022 at 12:55 and viewed 1,640 times.

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