Kid Craig

Sometimes, a new presenter will show up and sound so slick, professional and talented, you wonder why they came to 1Radio?

One day in June, 2011, Kid Craig signed up to present a show.

His personal blurb mentioned 10 years of major market radio and five years on web radio. He hailed from Canada and was a presenter on Bounce (and later the local Virgin Radio station) in his native Canada. Here was someone who needed no mentoring on the ways of the one nor geeky instruction on the intricacies of SAM Broadcaster. Craig was ready to go - and probably born that way.

When he first opened his mouth on his very first appearance, Craig sounded every part the confident, funny and knowledgable jock. His north American accent sounded amazing and his delivery and presenting skills just brilliant. He really didn't belong on the one. Nah, not really. 

Kid Craig had a friendly, engaging style, was hilarious, played the latest tunes and created a truly infectious show. I think he stayed with the one for a few years.

Sadly, we have no recordings of the Kid in action, so you will just have to make do with some Youtube clips.

Posted by Tim on Thu 16 Jun 2022 at 12:09 and viewed 1,614 times.


Tim! I have a few shows stored away in the vault if you ever want to relive some of those days. Wow what a blast. Loved every minute!
Kid Craig on Mon 29 Jan 2024 at 17:18

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